Eufala, OK
Camp Information:
Hwy 69, take the Canadian exit and go EAST. You’ll immediately enter the park. At the fork, follow the road to the right and drive about 2 miles until you get to the Hitching Post campground. There are pens but not for every site. First come first serve. Electric pens are okay. Manure to be tossed into the trees. There is diesel at the exit, Dollar General Store with ice available.
Arrowhead OETRA created
Arrowhead State Park Map
Hitchingpost Campground
Arrowhead Photo Map
Manure Disposal:
Scatter in the woods away from camping areas and sites.
Special Notes:
shoes required
no manure collection, toss in trees
Select the Hitching Post campground as of 11/19/2022, no camping this winter until after March. Will update for future years.
Shoes or boots required. This area is on the tail end of the mountains at Robbers Cave.
No hunting allowed at this State Park.