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Club Calendar of Events

Canceled rides have a gray background. All dates are subject to change due to weather and/or conflicts with other rides across the state. To add, update (reschedule), cancel events, trail ambassadors should logon, then navigate to the trail system management program under the "My Club" menu. If you need help, contact ( This is the master calendar and a link is on our Facebook page. There is no fee for "Just for Fun" rides. Other rides usually require a fee to participate. Fees cover the costs of food, drinks, prizes, etc. If the state or federal websites are hard to navigate, be sure to go to Trail Systems and look up the park. There are probably some helpful instructions!

Event DatesPlaceEvent NameEvent DescriptionCommitteeTACanceled?
01/12/2024- 01/14/2024 Hickory Creek Wildlife Management Area, 6701 Black gold rd, Marrietta JFF and Workday Come camp for free (primitive) Work trails and pleasure ride on Sunday 14th   Grayson, Carolyn, ,; Walker, Jimmy, 580.341.8201,   False
02/02/2024- 02/04/2024 Hickory Creek Wildlife Management Area, 6701 Black gold rd, Marrietta Work and ride days Camp for free (primitive)   Grayson, Carolyn, ,; Walker, Jimmy, 580.341.8201,   False
02/03/2024- 02/03/2024 Bell Cow Lake, 35.738961,-96.9586936, Chandler, OK 74834 Endurance Ride AERC Endurance ride- 25 or 50 miles. BARE BONES RIDE. $90. Must RSVP by Sunday before. Bruce Burton 918-758-9573   Chapman, Terri, 405.740.9892,  False
02/17/2024- 02/17/2024 Bell Cow Lake, 35.738961,-96.9586936, Chandler, OK 74834 Endurance ride AERC Endurance ride 25 or 50 miles, BARE BONES RIDE $90, Must RSVP by Sunday before ride. Bruce Burton 918-758-9573  Chapman, Terri, 405.740.9892,  False
02/17/2024- 02/17/2024 Draper Lake (Lake Stanley Draper), Point 10, Stanley Draper Lake, OKC, Oklahoma City, OK Just For Fun Ride Join us for a beautiful day ride. Ride out at 10 a.m. We will provide hot dogs and fixins, please bring a side dish to share.     False
03/02/2024- 03/02/2024 Sportsman Lake, 5 miles east of Seminole, OK on EW 1240/Lake Road, GPS coordinates: N35 13.190 W96 34.117 Workday Come early and stay Friday night and help starting Sat 10am. We'll have dinner together provided by OETRA. camp through Sunday if you want.   Cox, Joyce, 405.990.9592,; Jones, Glennell, 405.613.1600,  False
03/15/2024- 03/23/2024 Cedar Lake Equestrian Park, Cedar Lake Rd,, Hodgen, OK 74939 Workweek Cedar Lake workweek, we'll prepare CL to look its best ahead of the Best of America ride. Come help with trails and get free camping. Some meals will be provided by OETRA Teri Wyatt   Wyatt, Teri, 405.250.5558,  False
03/16/2024- 03/16/2024 Lake Ellsworth at Fisherman’s Cove, Fisherman's Cove Rd off Tony Creek Rd, Elgin Lake Ellsworth Work Day Please join us on a hike/ride to lop branches and pick up trash! We’ll start at 10a and provide lunch afterwards for our volunteers!   Jameson, Saralyn, 703.216.3979,  False
03/23/2024- 03/23/2024 Hickory Creek Wildlife Management Area, 6701 Black gold rd, Marrietta Springbreak ride For details Ask Carolyn Grayson   Grayson, Carolyn, ,; Walker, Jimmy, 580.341.8201,   False
03/23/2024- 03/23/2024 Salt Plains State Park, 23280 S Spillway Dr, Jet, Oklahoma 73749 Workday and fun ride GSP has 13 miles of mowed trails now. We are adding a singletrack on the Sibley side. Workers will ride out from Sibley Campground at 10:30. Free primitive camping at Nathan Boone camp. Call the park office for discounted rates for Fri-Sat if you want electric sites. Call 580-626-4731 Bring loppers and saws. Suzie Koontz 580-596-6997  Koontz, Susan, 580.596.6997,  False
03/30/2024- 03/30/2024 Lake Ellsworth at Fisherman’s Cove, Fisherman's Cove Rd off Tony Creek Rd, Elgin Fun Easter Ride Join us on a fun Easter Ride! Enjoy our freshly cleared/cleaned trails!   Jameson, Saralyn, 703.216.3979,  False
04/06/2024- 04/06/2024 Hickory Creek Wildlife Management Area, 6701 Black gold rd, Marrietta Gene Autry benefit ride for wounded warriors More details soon   Grayson, Carolyn, ,; Walker, Jimmy, 580.341.8201,   False
04/06/2024- 04/06/2024 Sportsman Lake, 5 miles east of Seminole, OK on EW 1240/Lake Road, GPS coordinates: N35 13.190 W96 34.117 Just for Fun ride Join us for a JFF ride at 10am, ride on your own or meet up with the group. Dinner provided by OETRA. Stay and camp if you can. Glennell Jones and Joyce Cox  Cox, Joyce, 405.990.9592,; Jones, Glennell, 405.613.1600,  False
04/08/2024- 04/08/2024 Misc events for OETRA across the whole state of, , Oklahoma Total Eclipse of the sun The eclipse will begin to cross over southeastern Oklahoma around 12:28pm CST, with total coverage beginning at 1:45pm, lasting just over four minutes in the highest coverage areas. Find your spot to catch this blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, unforgettable event. You can see it well from Cedar Lake or Winding stairs NF. The next one will be 2044.     False
04/12/2024- 04/14/2024 Cedar Lake Equestrian Park, Cedar Lake Rd,, Hodgen, OK 74939 Best of America by Horseback Best of American by Horseback TV Show will be showcasing OETRA at Cedar Lake.Come ride with the host Del Shields. Make reservations with Del at 620-433-1819. Make reservations for your camp site at if the sites are full there is the first come loops F & G. This will celebrate our 50th anniversary. Jeanette Zeller, and any board member.  Wyatt, Teri, 405.250.5558,  False
04/26/2024- 04/28/2024 Misc events for OETRA across the whole state of, , Oklahoma Mane Attraction, Royse Ranch, El Reno OETRA will participate as a sponsor and have a booth. More details to follow. Fri 2pm-6pm, Sat 9am-5:30pm, Breed/Discipline performance & Silent Auction Sun 9am-2pm Everyone is invited to attend    False
05/03/2024- 05/04/2024 Duncan Lake Equestrian Park, .5 miles south of Plato Rd on Duncan Lake Road, Duncan, ok JFFR Just For Fun Ride.We will have a work day on Friday. Potluck dinner on Sat evening, meat provided. Silent auction, bring something to auction, money will go to OETRA. Best Derby Hat contest!   Foster, Camellia, 580.251.5824,; Smith, Mitzie, 580.467.3066,  False
05/18/2024- 05/19/2024 Lake Texoma, Platter Flats, 867 Trail Ride Road, Platter OK 74753, Just for Fun Ride Come join the South Okies for a fun ride. Ride out at 9am, free lunch at 2pm, with an auction to follow. Bring anything you can donate to raise $ for Platter Flats. If you can come early in the week Ron will be camping and working trails starting Wed. Ron Craig   Craig, Ron, 580.513.5407,  False
05/18/2024- 05/18/2024 Salt Plains State Park, 23280 S Spillway Dr, Jet, Oklahoma 73749 2024 Kickin' Cancer Trail Ride Ride out at 10:00 and Lunch following (provided) Great Salt Plains State Park- Natan Boone Equest Campground. $35 donation for the American Cancer society Relay for Life. (Rain date May 25) Coggins req Teresa Crain, 580-747-8757 Cathy Howard 580-368-8927  Koontz, Susan, 580.596.6997,  False
05/31/2024- 06/02/2024 Robbers Cave State Park, Hwy 2 N, Wilburton, OK 74578 National Trails Day National Trails Day. OETRA's 50th CELEBRATION. Come celebrate the clubs 50th. We'll have speakers, catered food, games, entertainment. We're going back to the place we got our start. Board of Directors  Robinson, Sherry, 918.231.9868,; O'Hair, Lesa, 918.465.7447,  False
06/08/2024- 06/08/2024 Sportsman Lake, 5 miles east of Seminole, OK on EW 1240/Lake Road, GPS coordinates: N35 13.190 W96 34.117 Just for Fun ride Join us for a great summer ride. Ride at 9:00 lunch at 1:00. More details later Dawna Weaver Mary Running  Cox, Joyce, 405.990.9592,; Jones, Glennell, 405.613.1600,  False
08/10/2024- 08/10/2024 Misc events for OETRA across the whole state of, , Oklahoma OETRA Family Ride Day We are encouraging you to bring your kids or grandkids out to ride today. Members will be riding across the whole state to encourage kids to get involved with horses. Ride as a group or just with your family. Take pictures and post on the FB page.     False
09/28/2024- 09/28/2024 Arrowhead State Park, , Eufaula/Canadian Oklahoma Sept 28th Statewide trail ride You can camp for the weekend, but I will be leading a ride on Trails 4, 5, 5A and 1 from the Hitchin Post campground starting at 10 am. Day parking is available near the campground and overflow can be behind the campground near the lake. Contact me for parking instructions and I will direct you. Plan to arrive by 9:00 - 9:30 if you aren't camping to get parking space. 918-231-9868 Sherry Robinson 918-231-9868  Robinson, Sherry, 918.231.9868,  False
09/28/2024- 09/28/2024 Misc events for OETRA across the whole state of, , Oklahoma OETRA Statewide ride for ALL TA locations OETRA Statewide Ride. Some of the TA locations will be hosting a day ride. Each location can plan according to their liking. We'll ask for a head count to see how many OETRA members we can get out riding today. Every TA can plan as they wish.    False
10/04/2024- 10/06/2024 Prague Lake, 102896 Lake Road, Prague, OK Work Day & Benefit Ride Work Day (Saturday) and Benefit Ride (Sunday). This was a great success last year so don’t miss it. Group Hold Code is "2024WorkScav" for camping is Oct 4-6 dates only. See August - October newsletters for workday and Scavenger Hunt details!   Baldwin, Janis, 405.204.0866,  False
11/08/2024- 11/10/2024 Cedar Lake Equestrian Park, Cedar Lake Rd,, Hodgen, OK 74939 Fall Color Ride Fall Color ride, perfect time to see the changing colors of SE Okla. Join the club in a weekend event of fun. More details to follow soon. Jeanette Zeller, Pam Ehler,   Wyatt, Teri, 405.250.5558,  False
11/15/2024- 11/17/2024 Arrowhead State Park, , Eufaula/Canadian Oklahoma November Movie & Ride Annual ride - Movie night and meal Saturday. Ride Saturday and meal at 4:30 movie at sundown Sherry Robinson 918-231-9868  Robinson, Sherry, 918.231.9868,  False
12/07/2024- 12/07/2024 Chandler First Assembly of God - Christmas Party Location, 2121 E First Street, Chandler Christmas Awards and Auction Join your horse friends at the Awards and Auction party. Time: 11:30 BOD  Zeller, Jeanette, 405.414.2401,; Crneckiy, Beverly, 405.328.4707,  False