23280 S Spillway Dr, Jet, OK 73749
Camp Information:
Salt Plains State Park has approx. 15 miles of bare foot friendly trails and two equestrian parking/camping areas. Both areas are located off Highway 38. The trails on the north side of Salt Fork River are a little flatter and sandier. The trails on the south side have more ups and downs, and some spectacular views. Adjacent to a National wildlife area, GSPSP has wonderful views of pelicans, ducks, geese, eagles…just to name a few. Barefoot friendly.
Equestrian camp with hook ups
From Camp to south trails
Nathan Boone North Of Campground
Manure Disposal:
Scatter in tree line
Special Notes:
From Nov 1-Dec 31: contact park at 580-626-4731 for trail availability due to hunting season.
Make reservations in Nathan Boone Equestrian Camp.